
Top 5 benefits of document management systems

With many modern workplaces operating in a digital landscape, information has exponentially increased in size. 

Knowing how to manage and monitor all of that extra information can often be a challenge. 

That’s why it’s important to have a well designed document management system in place to help your organisation efficiently store, monitor and track important company files and information effectively.

In this blog post, we have put together the top 5 benefits of implementing a document management system in the workplace. 

The top 5 benefits of document management are; 

1) Reduced physical storage

2) Highly secure

3) Improved compliance

4) Easily find information

5) Enhanced collaboration

1) Reduced physical storage

With many businesses now opting from a work from home type culture, it’s important that employees can easily access information. 

Implementing a document management system means that your employees can effortlessly find and access important company files without having to take a trip to the office. 

The office space currently allocated to physical storage can be re-purposed, providing more space for employees, breakout areas etc.

Document management systems offer organisations the ability to work flexibly meaning employees can access information from anywhere in the world. 

2) Highly secure

In an age where everything is digital, it is important to have a system in place to securely store information.

Not having a secure system in place could place your company at risk of hacking and having personal and confidential information stolen. 

A document management system provides a secure file solution for storing, signing and sharing documents, keeping your important information safe from harm.

3) Improves compliance

Compliance is becoming an extremely important component of an organisation’s digital footprint, so it’s important to do all you can to ensure you’re meeting regulatory compliance in your company.

Implementing a digital workplace solution like docCentrum can help your organisation simplify the management of important organisational documents. 

4) Easily find information

In a world where people expect to receive everything on demand, being able to find information easily is an organisational necessity. Ignoring this need is a quick way to fall behind. 

According to PWC, 20% of business time is wasted due to employees being unable to quickly access the information they need because of poorly organised company data.  

A document management system can reduce the time spent looking for company files and data by allowing employees to instantly access important information at any time and any place! 

5) Enhanced employee collaboration

If you’re looking for a way to improve employee collaboration then look no further!

With document management systems, information sharing and collaboration can be improved by providing employees a better space to work and communicate. 

This is because document management systems provide a better workflow for users to quickly and easily share, access and work together on company information across departments and locations without compromising data security.

Ready to improve your organisation’s document management process?

A document management system can bring many benefits to your organisation and can be a valuable asset to your business.

Luckily for you, we have a fantastic product called docCentrum that has been developed to help your business simplify the management of important documents. 

For more information about how we can help your business, give us a call +44 845 643 ​9726 or fill out the contact form below to speak to one of our document management experts.  

Document management contact form

Fill out the form below to contact us about our document management solution docCentrum.

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Introducing Mercury Analytics 2020

If you want your intranet to perform to its optimum level then you need to include analytics as part of your strategy. 

Recent research suggests that 90% of intranets fail due to them being managed inefficiently and through businesses not being aware of intranet analytics. 

That’s why we have developed our new product Mercury Analytics 2020 so that you can get the most out of your intranet. 

Based on our original analytics product, Mercury Analytics 2020 brings a whole host of new features that improves the insight you can gain into your intranet usage.

Carry on reading to find out more!

Mercury Analytics 2020

Our popular analytics product, bundled with Mercury, has been updated to include date slicers, document metrics and improvements to every dashboard in the pack. 

Our new and improved analytics feature now includes; 

● Cloud hosted in Azure

● User journey easy to identify

● User activity either named or anonymous

● Navigation metaphors in Mercury analysed in detail

● Document usage from geographical and intranet locations

● Custom reporting through Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Excel

● Open format for your reporting tools

● Easily updatable to capture your specific information

How to use Mercury analytics to measure the effectiveness of your Mercury intranet

It is crucial that your company understands it’s Mercury analytics so that you can create a collaborative work environment and improve your company’s internal performance. 

Read our in-depth blog post on measuring the effectiveness of your Mercury intranet so that you can get the most out of Mercury Analytics 2020.

Request a Free Mercury Analytics 2020 Demo

Please use the form below to request a demo or chat with us about Mercury Analytics 2020 in more detail. We would love to learn more about your business and show you how our Mercury intranet and analytics can help improve your organisation.

Alternatively, if you would like more information regarding Mercury intranet and analytics visit the Mercury website.

Request Form

Fill out the contact form below to request your FREE Mercury Analytics demo.

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Measuring Intranet Effectiveness With Analytics

Measuring your intranet through analytics is a crucial part of your internet’s overall effectiveness and success.

According to research, 90% of intranets fail due to them being poorly managed and through businesses ignoring their intranet analytics. 

Therefore, it is crucial that you understand your intranet’s analytics so that you can create a productive work environment and improve your company’s internal performance.

In this blog post, we will show you how the Mercury analytics feature can be used to improve your organisation, including a list of key metrics that you can use to better understand your company’s internal performance. 

This blog post will cover; 

● What intranet analytics are

● Why you should measure intranet effectiveness

● How to measure intranet effectiveness

● 6 Key intranet metrics

What are intranet analytics?

Intranet analytics are information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics

They’re a set of metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of your intranet and pinpoint areas for improvement. 

Mercury intranet analytics allows you to identify key performance indicators (KPI’s) which can be used by your company to make smart and informed business decisions regarding projects and the future of your organisation.

Why should you measure your intranets effectiveness?

You should measure your intranets effectiveness through analytics so that you can gain an insight into what’s working and what isn’t. As Peter Ducker said ‘if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it’.

If you’re not tracking and measuring the effectiveness of your intranet, how can you optimise its performance? 

The Mercury analytics feature has been developed with effectiveness in mind, and can help assist you with understanding your intranets performance. 

Since 2017 our analytics product has been shining a light into the darkest corners of our customers’ intranets, providing them with important insights into data which has helped them improve their intranets level of efficiency. 

But knowing which intranet metrics you need to monitor can often be a challenge. 

In the following section, we have made a list of the key intranet metrics you need to know in order to make your intranet a long-lasting success.

6 key intranet metrics everyone should know

Collecting intranet data may seem like a simple task, but knowing which data plays an important role in determining your intranet’s success can often be a challenge.  

The list below contains 6 key intranet metrics that you need to know in order to measure your intranet’s effectiveness. 

1) User Activity

User activity monitoring enables intranet admins to track and collect data on employee actions and behaviour when using your organisation’s intranet. 

Implementing activity tracking allows companies to be more efficient in tracking user intranet activities and can be used to ensure that information and resources are being utilised efficiently. 

User activity is central to our Mercury analytics feature and includes: 

● Number of page views

● Interaction with the navigation features

● News consumption

● Search usage

● Social interaction (likes, shares, etc.)

● Accessing of documents & other resources

2) User Journey

A user journey is a series of steps which represent how a user interacts with your intranet. 

Being able to map or show the steps that a user makes within your platform can help you better understand user behaviour and the decision making process. 

Understanding how users are interacting with your intranet can help you form decisions regarding the taxonomy of your intranet and how it can be developed to support the user decision making process and the interface they will need to accomplish their tasks. 

Mercury analytics can help you to understand the navigation and the page visits made by users in a single session which provides analysis of the click events across the App Bar, Mega Menu, Content Pages and Search.

3) News Consumption

News analysis lets the owners of the communications function understand the reach (the number of people who have seen your content) of the news that they’re creating. 

This is an important metric to know as it can make you aware of the optimal times to post your news content so that it stands the best chance of being seen by your audience. 

Our analytics feature will show you the best place to disseminate news and provide insights into your campaigns performance.

4) Performance

When it comes to performance there are dozens of metrics that can be used to measure how your intranet pages are performing. 

That’s why the Mercury analytics feature only focuses on the key performance indicators that can help you make informed decisions regarding the improvement of your intranets page performance. 

The Mercury analytics feature will look at page load times across browsers and page types and will divide this by the locations that the pages are accessed from. 

It will show issues across browser types and locations, which can help you create suitable pages and content for all your employees regardless of location and device.

 5) Social

A social focused intranet gives your employees more ways to communicate and collaborate. 

Integrating social technology within your Mercury intranet allows for powerful search, multimedia creation and sharing capabilities which creates a more effective way of working. 

By introducing social elements to your intranet you provide a modern alternative to the traditional legacy intranet which was often devoid of social components such as comments, profiles, and the ability for anyone to share digital content.

Our Mercury analytics feature will provide key social metrics which can help you identify areas for campaign improvements.

 6) Documents

Documents are often the primary source of information for your employees to carry out their roles effectively. 

If your employees cannot easily and quickly find information they are going to waste time searching for them and then reproducing that content, leading to multiple copies of information which are then separate entities with their own separate update lifecycles.

With our Mercury analytics feature you can track what documents are being found and opened. 

Document analytics lets the owners of the documents understand who is finding and reading their documents. This is an important metric to know as it can make you aware of the optimal times to post your news content so that it stands the best chance of being seen by your audience. 

As a further extension to our Mercury Analytics offering, we also provide our docCentrum product which provides document owners with the ability to task staff with optional and mandatory reads of important company information. The tasks are fully tracked and reported on, providing you with an audit trail of who has completed their tasks and who hasn’t and provides an overview of company standards compliance.

Ready to adopt your new Analytics Dashboards?

We hope you enjoyed learning how analytics can measure the effectiveness of your intranet. We strongly believe that our Mercury intranet and analytics feature would be a very valuable asset to your business.

Get in touch with us to speak to a friendly member of our team. 


SharePoint Intranet Examples 2020: Introducing Mercury Intranet

When it comes to the word ‘intranet’ many of us are often left confused, especially when the word ‘SharePoint’ is chucked into the mix.  

To help clear this confusion, we have put together a list of Mercury intranet examples to showcase its capabilities and how it can benefit your business. 

In this article we will cover;

● Benefits of an intranet

● What an intranet should include

● Example of a good intranet

Mercury intranet examples

Carry on reading below to learn more about Mercury intranets.

SharePoint intranet examples 2020:  introducing Mercury Intranet

What are the benefits of an intranet?

Intranets have revolutionised the workplace, providing a virtual community where employees can exchange information, manage projects and communicate.

Intranets are a tool that many companies are adopting and are a great way to increase productivity in the workplace.

There are many benefits that an intranet can bring to your organisation.

But what should an intranet include?

In the following section we discuss the key components of a good intranet.

What should an intranet include?

An intranet should include features that connect employees, support their activities and provide a place where they can find essential company information.

Every intranet will be unique depending on its purpose, however, the essential elements that any intranet should include are; employee directory, news, communities and a communication feature. 

What is an example of a good intranet?

Examples of intranets can come in many shapes and forms. 

However, an example of a good intranet should be one that enables two way communication, keeps employees engaged and provides a “one stop shop” for everything your employees need throughout their working day.

To showcase the benefits that an intranet can bring to your organisation, we have included some great examples of Mercury intranets

Intranet Examples: Mercury Intranet

Mercury is a modern easy to use intranet that sits within your Microsoft SharePoint online which is part of your Microsoft Office 365 environment.

Over the years, Mercury intranet has helped many businesses grow and adapt to a modern way of working and has enhanced employee collaboration and communication within the workplace. 

But without much knowledge or exposure to intranets, it is probably hard to picture what an intranet looks like and how it can be used to optimise your business. 

Luckily for you, we have compiled a list of Mercury intranet examples so that you can see how a Mercury intranet, based in SharePoint Online, can benefit your business. 

Home Page

One of the most important attributes of any intranet is it’s homepage, and it’s important to understand how this can work to optimise the workplace. 

Once you recognise the power of an intranet homepage, you will begin to learn how many uses you will find for it. 

Our Mercury intranet has been developed with key intranet features in mind, and provides attributes which aim to enhance collaboration and communication. These include; people directory, news & updates, multi-step wizard, calendar and much more! 

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to an intranet, that’s why Mercury lets you customise your intranet to suit your business and pick features that you wish to incorporate.  

Intranet homepage example

People Directory

The people directory is another important and frequently used feature of every intranet. It’s an essential tool that is used by organisations to connect employees across the business and to encourage teams to work in a more collaborative way.  

As people are the most essential asset in any organisation, it’s important to supply them with the correct tools to help them work better (and smarter). 

Mercury intranet allows employees to do just that with its people directory feature which helps staff easily locate, connect and collaborate with employees across the business.

Intranet people directory

News & Updates

The effects of poor communication can be costly to a business and is often the result of an inability to communicate company values to a team.

Sharing company news is an essential part of maintaining employee engagement and should be used as a way to keep your employees on the same page about your business. 

The Mercury news & updates feature allows your business to bring corporate, departmental and function news to the centre of your intranet so that your employees never miss an update!

Document Center

To increase communication and collaboration, information needs to be managed efficiently. 

That’s why Mercury intranet can be integrated with our additional product docCentrum. 

docCentrum has a built in, fully secured, document management capability built upon SharePoint online and SharePoint On-Premises, and allows the standardisation of document creation, storage, retention and access processes across your organisation

It also works as a compliance tool, to help your organisation simplify the management of important legal documents.  

To learn more about the features and benefits of our document center, visit our Mercury intranet website.

intranet document center docCentrum

Want to learn more about Mercury intranet?

If you would like to learn more about Mercury intranet and how it can benefit your business visit the Mercury website or drop us an email


Office 365 Document Management: Introducing docCentrum

Compliance is becoming an ever more important facet of a company’s digital footprint.  

That’s why we have developed a digital workplace solution to help your organisation simplify the management of important organisational documents. 

docCentrum compliance and onboarding toolkit allows you to keep your employees compliant with training and HR related policies and provides a safe and secure place to store these documents. 

In this article, we have listed the key components of docCentrum and reasons why it’s functionality can benefit your organisation’s compliance process. 

The article will cover;

● Document management explained

● Document management for compliance

● Introduction to docCentrum

● Document management

● Document review 

● Test, Track & Review 

If you want to learn more about docCentrum document management, compliance & onboarding, continue reading below.

Office 365 document management: introducing doccentrum

What is a document management system?

Document Management Systems are an electronic place to store all of your documents. 

They can provide many benefits to your organisation including; 

● Faster document retrieval through searches

● The ability to more readily and easily protect documents

● The ability to restrict access or set role level permissions

● Improved data retention

● The ability to back up documents

● Access to documents from multiple locations simultaneously

● The ability to have an audit trail of documents accessed

● The ability to cross-reference documents and query data

● Greater ability to provide data security

Document management for compliance

Compliance is becoming an ever more important component of a company’s digital footprint, so it’s important to do all you can to ensure you’re meeting regulatory compliance in your organisation. 

Compliance is particularly important if you are an ISO accredited company with an accreditation such as ISO9001, ISO27001.

Document Management Systems can be used to store a range of different document types such as Microsoft Word, Excel documents, along with other typical document formats such as Adobe PDF.

A good Document Management System provides automated processes to collaborate on document creation and maintenance and to publish documents to the wider audience, according to their identity.

A Document Management System supports multiple identities, with each user having their own identity. Access to the documents in the Document Management Systems is strictly according to the access levels given to that identity.

Inbuilt audit within the Document Management Systems trails allow organizations and their customers to have assurances around access to data. It helps everyone sleep better at night when they know that there is a log of who accessed, modified, moved, or deleted records. Audit trails help safeguard the integrity of the information and the processes around data access. 

Document management solutions: docCentrum

Intelligent Decisioning have developed a document management solution – docCentrum, to help your organisation simplify the management of your company’s important documents, and sits within Microsoft SharePoint Online which is a part of a Microsoft Office 365 environment.

The docCentrum compliance and onboarding toolkit allows you to keep your employees compliant with training and HR related policies and provides a safe and secure place to store these documents. 

docCentrum can remind your document controllers that document reviews are necessary and issues tasks to ensure that the reviews are carried out in a timely manner.

Below, we have listed the key components of docCenterum and how it can provide a solution to organisational compliance.

Document Management

docCentrum provides a starter kit for enterprise document management with an extendable secure publishing and storage of documents providing a “single source of the truth” for all important assets.  

It allows the standardisation of document creation, storage, retention and access processes across the organisation. 

Some of its key features and capabilities are as follows: 

● Store the “Single Source of the Truth” for corporate documents quality controlled through an ISO compliant Information Architecture in multilingual sites  

● Keep the process for creating, collaborating, reviewing and publishing documents consistent across all areas of the business 

● Automated publishing from the Working Documents area to create or replace new Published Documents reduces inefficiencies in Document Publishing 

● Access to documents is controlled through a permission based security model built to your organisational needs.  

● Keep compliance with Quality Standards though metadata and review processes allowing you to easily add new document types through the building of a hierarchy of SharePoint Content Types

Test, Track & Review

docCentrum offers a simple and intuitive process for users to keep track of their reading assignments, including a clear confirmation process for users to explicitly acknowledge that they have read and understood the document training or other asset being tracked. 


Compliance (or acting according to a set of rules) is a fact of doing business. Ensuring your employees are compliant across training, policies and employee handbooks is an organisational nightmare! 

docCentrum eases this pain by creating time limited tasks to users and alerting them via email. 

It offers a simple and intuitive process for users to keep track of their reading assignments, by providing a clear confirmation process for users to explicitly acknowledge that they have read and understood the document. 

● Receipts are generated to confirm whether a user has or has not completed a reading task

● Creates time limited reading tasks to users, alerting them via email to keep employees informed

● Integrates seamlessly via SPFx web parts meaning that Tasks can be assigned in real time


As a part of the docCentrum product, Recorder allows your organisation to track user interaction with corporate assets for audit purposes (e.g. updates to policy, procedures, employee handbooks, annual training etc.) allowing employers to track, test and trace employee tasks. 

Some of the key benefits are;  

● Consolidates all of a staff members mandatory and recommended reads into one easy-to-find place 

● Mandatory or recommended reads delivered immediately to staff members via their intranet, mobile device and document centre views

● Read receipts are stored indefinitely for every acknowledgement and are accessible through Power BI and Excel


The “Joiners/Leavers/Movers” (JML) process is one that should be applied in all organisations.  

The JML module in docCentrum allows the delivery of auditable tasks at the right time to the right person. 

Its key features include; 

● Send packs of documents, news, content, knowledge and video for new employees to work through when they join the company 

● Role based setup that allows for targeting of specific types of employees or areas of the business 

● Create bespoke packages or tasks to deliver to employees in various stages of their life with your company

● Ability to customise tasks to specific roles and mix and match to get the right tasks for the right person first time

● Have an auditable view of an employees progress through their tasks 

● Support multiple areas of the business as they onboard employees, suppliers, franchisees etc

● Task enable recurring actions such as annual training


The quiz feature in docCentrum enables you to test your employees’ understanding of a recently assigned task by creating quizzes that can be attached to the end of a test.  

The quiz features enables your company to;

● Quiz users on the documents they have been sent to read where tasks are not considered complete until the Quiz is complete 

● Multiple choice questions, free text questions and many more types are supported

● Simple easy to use Quiz designer allows custom quizzes to be assigned to any task

● Quiz results can be analysed in the Administration module to review the effectiveness of the questions

Document Review

Document review is a set of tools, views and workflows that allows document owners, approvers or controllers to manage the review process to keep documents current and compliant.  

Some of the benefits of document review include; 

● Allows document owners, approvers or controllers a visual indication of the review process

● The ability to review, edit and re-publish controlled documents from a single place

● Automated email reminders for documents approaching and past a review date

● Ability to auto publish documents at review date if content has not changed

● Visual dashboards are available across the whole document lifecycle with configurable reviews initially set at 30,60 & 90 day reminders

● Power Automate flows to control the start and end of review periods

Document review in a document management system

Bringing it all together

The compliance wheel below demonstrates how document management, compliance and administration all work together to provide a full suite of tools that will complement those available in the security and compliance centre.

Ready to adopt your new Document Management and Compliance Process? 

We hope you enjoyed this blog post! We would love to show you how docCentrum will benefit your organisation. We offer free demonstrations of the docCentrum capability and how it will help you get control of your documents so get in touch  with us now and speak to one our Document Management System specialists about our compliance solutions. Alternatively, give us a call +44 845 643 9726 or email

Document Management & Compliance Enquiry Form

Use the contact form below to contact us about docCentrum.

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Top 5 Advantages of an Intranet Solution for your business

The workplace has evolved dramatically over the years, with more and more businesses shifting to a work from home type culture. 

In a world where employees now work remotely, it’s important to have a tool to keep your company connected. 

Whether you’re looking for a way to drive productivity or manage important projects, knowing the (many) advantages of an intranet will help you decide whether an intranet such as Mercury or Modern Intranet is the right choice for you business.

In this blog post, we have put together 5 reasons why implementing an intranet would be beneficial to your business.

In this article we cover;

1) Information sharing

2) Document management

3) Employee collaboration

4) Business transparency

5) Mobile optimisation

1) Easily share information

Many businesses use email as their primary tool for information sharing. But did you know that an average person sends and receives 126 business emails per day? That’s a lot of information to open and read.

Implementing an intranet can reduce email and provide a platform to share important company information, enabling direct, clear communication between employees and management. 

Through the benefit of your intranet, you can crowdsource information and make better strategic decisions regarding your organisation.

2) Manage documents

No matter where you work, most businesses have a lot of information. This is likely to be accessible across multiple locations including, Dropbox, email, Google Drive etc. making it extremely tedious trying to find information, especially when you’re in a rush! 

An intranet can provide a central location for all of your documents to be stored, making it easier for your employees to find what they need. 

3) Encourage employee collaboration

Intranets like Mercury and Modern Intranet incorporate an instant messaging feature where employees can directly generate easy and immediate conversation. The benefits of this feature can be tenfold; create group chats, share photos and videos, enjoy social features such as emojis and communicate with colleagues in a centralised location. Through quick and collaborative capabilities, the workday can be optimised by eliminating unnecessary meetings and video calls. 

4) Increase transparency

In various studies, employees indicate that company transparency was the number-one factor in determining workplace happiness. 

In order to create transparency, you need to create a space where employees feel comfortable sharing thoughts and opinions. 

Intranets provide valuable tools that improve productivity and communication collaboratively. Direct chat options, blogs, task management, and notifications are some of the features that can be used to increase transparency in the workplace. 

5) Mobile friendly

When you need to quickly access information outside of the office, you will need to be able to access important information and documents on your phone. 

Intranets like Modern Intranet and Mercury are mobile friendly, which means they can be accessed on mobile, desktop and tablet. 

Receive work notifications on your phone and access important information on the go. All that is required is a mobile device and an internet connection.  

Ready to install your new intranet? 

There you have it! 5 reasons why an intranet could benefit your business.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you think an intranet could benefit your organisation get in touch with us to speak to one of our specialists about our range of intranet solutions.

Alternatively, give us a call +44 845 643 9726 or email