The Problem:

LTE Group, a unique social enterprise dedicated to providing quality learning, training, and employment opportunities across the UK, faced challenges in efficiently storing and organising documents within their extensive network of organisations. The existing Intranet left their front-line workers, mainly prison-based staff, feeling disconnected and seeking greater engagement.

  • Document storage and organisation challenges within the extensive network of organisations.
  • Inefficient intranet system causing disconnection among front-line prison-based staff.
  • A primary goal of providing quality learyellow-lining, training, and employment opportunities across the UK.

Our approach

To address these concerns, Intelligent Decisioning engaged with senior stakeholders at LTE Group, understanding their requirements and showcasing how our Mercury Intranet product would not only meet but exceed their current and future needs. Within a day, we completed the main deployment of Mercury, customising it to deliver a comprehensive Digital Workplace and Digital Employee Experience tailored for LTE Group.

Intelligent Decisioning have brought a much-needed level of organisation and vigour to the way we stored and organised our documents across our group. We now have a known and trusted “single source of the truth” for our organisation wide information that is reviewed on a regular basis.

LTE Group

Our solution

With Mercury’s deep integration with Intelligent Decisioning’s docCentrum product, LTE Group gained a unified platform where employees could access news, events, and crucial organisational documents effortlessly. Our key features included a modern channel for seamless internal digital communication across all devices and browsers, providing a one-stop shop for the diverse information and tools required by LTE Group employees. Additionally, we streamlined document retrieval, reducing rework, and ensured a single source of truth through docCentrum’s deployment as the central document management solution. The retirement of the old intranet and content migration to the new platform further enhanced efficiency.

The outcome

By implementing our solution, LTE Group experienced a transformative shift in their digital capabilities. Employees now enjoyed enhanced engagement, greater access to crucial information, and improved collaboration. As an ongoing partner, Intelligent Decisioning continues to support LTE Group’s digital transformation journey, leading to more efficient processes, cost savings, and a reduced carbon footprint. Together, we are shaping a more connected and sustainable future for LTE Group.