
Why an Intranet Solution is a Must-Have Technology? 

There’s no doubting the value of email and chat for business communication in this information-rich age.  But what happens to the important, permanent data that transcends fleeting messages? 

In the past, operating without an intranet solution resulted in situations where expertise, best practices, and important corporate papers were dispersed throughout separate information / document silos , resulting in a disorganised mass of isolated data. The requirement for employees to spend precious time looking for information resulted in a culture where people were always “asking” for information that ought to have been obvious. Even worse, out-of-date or missing information leads to misunderstanding and inconsistency, which reduces output and may have an adverse effect on the calibre of your job. 

Here’s a storyline twist: AI, the technology that many regard as the saviour of information overload, is only as good as the data it is given.  Without a centralised repository of trusted, up-to-date material, which is exactly what a well-designed intranet delivers, AI has no credible source to draw upon. Its efficacy deteriorates. So, even with AI’s powers and ability to aid in knowledge management, it can only go so far in terms of resolving problems and providing value. 

The real value of an intranet 

When built effectively, an intranet can do much more than just store information. It serves as your organisation’s core nervous system, linking all of the SaaS tools and services you use on a regular basis. It is the driving force behind your company’s internal procedures, productivity, and alignment. 

Some may dismiss intranets as a “nice to have,” even if the platform is destined to become an afterthought in the digital environment. However, this attitude underestimates the significant benefits that intranets provide.  Intranets, when implemented throughout an organisation, have the potential to transform internal communication and knowledge management, eventually unlocking enormous economic value via productivity and organisational alignment. 

An intranet, for what may be considered a tiny software investment, is a strong, strategic instrument that can tilt the scales in your favour. Even if each user saves 5 minutes per day, the organisation will have covered the cost of the investment; the remainder will be direct value and cost savings to the bottom line. On top of higher productivity, Forbes discovered that having an engaged and aligned team may result in up to four times the income. Conversely, the danger that organisations face by failing to invest in an intranet may be severe, with an average of $504 billion wasted yearly due to employee disengagement.  

The ideal intranet includes a solid top-down architecture that ensures the material included inside has been reviewed and represents the organisation’s set goals and objectives. Content on an intranet should be curated rather than collected. A well-designed intranet also encourages two-way communication, allowing users to share their expertise, learn from one another, and contribute to a thriving internal community – all within the framework of the organisation’s overarching mission. It generates a feeling of shared purpose and allows employees to be their best selves, all within a visually appealing and engaging digital environment. 

This leads to the only logical conclusion… 

You need an intranet. An intranet delivers exponential value as the essential foundation for internal communication and productivity, and no other platform solution can compare. You don’t need a digital bulletin board or a stiff, out-of-date, uninteresting website. You don’t need separate document stores of hoarded files. You need an intranet. And you need one that is focused on creating a dynamic, knowledge-sharing atmosphere that drives your organisation towards its objectives. This sort of intranet will serve as the command centre for your ship, ensuring that everyone is educated, aligned, and ready to navigate ever-changing business seas with clarity and confidence.